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SubjectDetection of ide devices

I have an Aptiva S90 which apparently has some pathological ide
hardware. When I had first installed Linux on it, I just had two hard
drives (/dev/hd[ab]), and my cdrom drive was on /dev/hde. However, for
kernels 2.0.12 - 2.0.20 or so, the kernel kept autodetecting the cdrom as
/dev/hdc. The cdrom worked fine, even with this misdetection.

Around 2.0.28 or so, I added a third hard drive (/dev/hdc). This
promptly broke autodetection. The cdrom drive was not detected at
all. After, a lot of searching around and reading docs, I figured out that
I have to specify the I/O addresses and IRQs for /dev/hde on the command
line. Thus, when I booted with '<kernel name> ide2=0x1e0,0x3e6,11', my
cdrom was correctly detected as /dev/hde.

Just yesterday, I had the opportunity to try out an install disk
for 2.2.4. When I tried bringing up the kernel without specifying the ide2
parameters, the kernel detected the cdroms presence (oh joy!), but it
detected it on /dev/hdi (!!) - and my machine only has hardware for
ide[012] .

Obviously, things have progressed a bit in ide device detection.
I'd like to take it the extra bit, and detect it correctly on the right
ide interface. So I am looking for pointers on where to start, and how to
go about this. Specifically, a pointer to where the detection is being
done in the code, and any clues as to why it is not working correctly for

Thanks in advance,

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