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Subjectlinear frame buffer - what future ?
Hi all kernel hackers,

for all of us who do some graphical stuff, linear frame buffer is
very welcome. We had sound support in the kernel, so why not the
same for the video card ?

My question is : will we one day have a ioctl easy to use, i mean
we ask the kernel to go in 320x200x16bpp, and not giving any more
information, the ioctl returns 0 if the mode is set and -1 if not.

For now, we have to know the fine details of it all, the screen
hsync and vsync and do all the calculations by ourselves. Couldn't it
be possible to ask the user while the "make config" process to give
its monitor hsync, vsync and so on, and the driver dealing with it
instead of the end user that we are, graphical coders. Just as it
is with the sound card.

Thank you,

PS: i am not in the list (but in the digest one), so a CC is welcome.

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