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SubjectRe: Removable media bug

>Is this really a kernel bug? I have a floppy drive that does the same
>it doesn't always notify the kernel that the media changed. I can
force it
>with your workaround *or* by being very careful when inserting the new

Yes, it is a bug, because whem you unmount a device, caches are flushed
first, then the fs is put to "clean" state. Finally you and eject the
disk. But the caches MUST be invalidated too ! You must not preserve a
cache of a device which doesn't exist any more.

>Of course, if it doesn't happen with 2.0.x then it is a kernel bug.

I don't know.

>never showed the problem on this system; I think it always reread the

DOS haven't "umount" command...

>(OS/2 did show the problem, though.)

No, I never had such a problem.


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