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SubjectDamn. It's not fixed.
Well, it's crashing less, but it's still crashing. Here's the latest panic:

Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000000
current->tss.cr3 = 03299000, pr3 = 03299000
*pde = 00000000
Oops: 0000
CPU: 0
EIP: 0010:[<c011db31>]
EFLAGS: 00010016
eax: c04a9740 ebx: c2034fc0 ecx: 00000000 edx: 00000003
esi: c04a9740 edi: 00000282 ebp: 00000003 esp: c9693dc8
ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Process httpd (pid: 27241, process nr: 125, stackpage=c9693000)
Stack: c8540000 00000000 c0123c9d c04a9740 00000003 00000000 c8540000 c0123d1e
00000000 00000000 00000400 c8540000 005b0804 c9692000 00000000 c012447d
c8540000 00000400 00000000 00000000 00000400 00000001 c01235ca 00000400
Call Trace: [<c0123c9d>] [<c0123d1e>] [<c012447d>] [<c01235ca>] [<c0123852>] [<c0137d91>] [<c01383f1>]
[<c0138699>] [<c0136a6e>] [<c0136884>] [<c019fc2b>] [<c016c904>] [<c015e824>] [<c0108add>] [<c010889b>]
[<c01088b7>] [<c0122084>] [<c0107a40>]
Code: 8b 01 89 03 85 c0 74 2b 8b 43 04 85 c0 75 10 89 19 89 c8 2b

>>EIP: c011db31 <kmem_cache_alloc+31/118>
Trace: c0123c9d <get_unused_buffer_head+55/a4>
Trace: c0123d1e <create_buffers+32/18c>
Trace: c012447d <grow_buffers+4d/e8>
Trace: c01235ca <refill_freelist+a/30>
Trace: c0123852 <getblk+1fa/21c>
Trace: c0137d91 <ext2_alloc_block+65/144>
Trace: c01383f1 <block_getblk+161/288>
Trace: c0138699 <ext2_getblk+181/22c>
Trace: c01088b7 <do_8259A_IRQ+93/a0>
Code: c011db31 <kmem_cache_alloc+31/118> 00000000 <_EIP>: <===
Code: c011db31 <kmem_cache_alloc+31/118> 0: 8b 01 movl (%ecx),%eax <===
Code: c011db33 <kmem_cache_alloc+33/118> 2: 89 03 movl %eax,(%ebx)
Code: c011db35 <kmem_cache_alloc+35/118> 4: 85 c0 testl %eax,%eax
Code: c011db37 <kmem_cache_alloc+37/118> 6: 74 2b je c011db64 <kmem_cache_alloc+64/118>
Code: c011db39 <kmem_cache_alloc+39/118> 8: 8b 43 04 movl 0x4(%ebx),%eax
Code: c011db3c <kmem_cache_alloc+3c/118> b: 85 c0 testl %eax,%eax
Code: c011db3e <kmem_cache_alloc+3e/118> d: 75 10 jne c011db50 <kmem_cache_alloc+50/118>
Code: c011db40 <kmem_cache_alloc+40/118> f: 89 19 movl %ebx,(%ecx)
Code: c011db42 <kmem_cache_alloc+42/118> 11: 89 c8 movl %ecx,%eax
Code: c011db44 <kmem_cache_alloc+44/118> 13: 2b 00 subl (%eax),%eax

Any thoughts? (Aside from the obvious of 'replace the damn thing' ;)

| |
| Rick Franchuk - TranSpecT Consulting |
|_______ _______|

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