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SubjectTape hangs
I've been having a problem doing backups to an ATAPI tape drive.
I run the following command:

find . | cpio -ocvB > /dev/ht0

It happily chugs along for a while and then hangs. Neither the find
nor the cpio processes are killable. According to the ps listing
find is in pipe_write and cpio is in down_failed. If I try to run
strace on the cpio it shows nothing and it also becomes unkillable.
Pulling the tape out of the drive and putting it back in makes no
difference. The typically occurs when I try to backup 1Gb of data
or more. I'm running 2.2.5 with Alan's ac6 patch, but the same
problem has occured on prior releases. I'll try it again using tar
and no pipe, but I thought I would get this question out in case
anyone has a fix.


Paolo Galtieri Senior Software Engineer
Motorola Computer Group INTERNET:
2900 S. Diablo Way VOICE: (602) 438 - 3754
Tempe, AZ 85282

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