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Hello -

I am a recruiter working to find candidates who would interested in a very
interesting Linux/UNIX development position at a major player in Silicon

The description, in part, follows:
Senior Software Engineer to work on system software development for newest
microprocessors, 32 and 64-bit. This includes doing actual ports of major
operating systems like UNIX and Linux, characterization of their
performance, and assisting external OS vendors in their port. Should be able
to write startup, memory management and driver code for the OS. Duties will
also include debugging problems identified with the most advanced and newest
platforms and CPUs.

...and it goes on in greater detail.

Your e-mail address was forwarded to me from an engineer who suggested that
you would be a good place to contact other engineers who are interested in
and qualified for this type of position, which I feel is one of the most
exciting ones have seen in a long time.

I would love it if Linux blows Microsoft out of the water, the sooner the
better, so let's get going! :)

Thank you in advance for any assistance you can offer. Please feel free to
call me or send me a note. This is an exciting opportunity.

Best regards,
Melissa Davis
(503) 393-0142
(888) 286-8453 toll free

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