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SubjectI want to support a TDV 5000 keyboard

I have a Tandberg TDV 5000 keyboard. It has 20 keys not found on
ordinary pc keyboards, such as "help", "undo", backtab and others.
I would appreciate some guidelines on how to modify pc_keyb.c

My first idea was to make a custom keymap for loadkeys, but that
didn't work. The extra keys seemed to create the same scancodes
as normal keys, making them indistinguishable.
(I.e. pressing "help" gives me a "w" and so on.)

So I put a printk() in pc_keyb.c, where the scancode is read
from the keyboard controller. The extra keys do indeed
produce the same keycodes as normal keys, but the press
and release codes are always prefixed by scancode 00. So
there is a difference, but pc_keyb.c seems to think this is an
error and logs "keyboard buffer overflow"

I think I can make my keyboard work, but I would appreciate
some hints on how to do it properly so it might get into 2.3.x.
For example, which 20 new keycodes would be appropriate?

Helge Hafting

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