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SubjectRe: 2.2.5 optimizations for web benchmarks?
> Right -- it's a document about tuning apache.  "Tuning linux" is even more
> a black art and I wasn't about to write up everything. Plus it changes
> every couple kernel versions and libc versions anyhow. It's a nightmare
> to keep up to date any documentation surrounding linux internals.

Well, the object of what's going on is to write things up. Some things
like the backlog queue defaulting to 300 have been the case for ages,
so that's well worth writing up. If you have any other suggestions,
even if they only apply to particular kernel versions, they would be

> I'm actually *afraid* of what problems will be phrased as apache bugs when
> people start to learn how to "tune" their linux kernel. Yay! Another
> dozen dimensions of freedom for inexperienced people to break their
> system!

I would like to write a tool which will be more predictable
behavior. "Um, did you get the latest kerntune and turn on the apache
setting?" This would be optimal, but I think it can be very good, even
with an inexperienced user.

-- g

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