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SubjectRe: sync problem in 2.2.5
Hi Chris,

Here are some more inputs;

from ps -lwa | grep sync

0 500 10456 751 0 0 1020 324 wait_on_dqu D ? 0:00 sync

where wait_on_dqu = 'c0133151' when using ps -lwan

It does not only takes time, but really Died!

I'v upgraded my fileutils to 4.0 from 3.16 and still the same,
I also reompiled it (synce I'm using glibc2.1 and still the same.

Most often it "freeze" thoe whole gnome interface and keyboard/mouse, only way out is to telnet in and then "shutdown -r -n now", then wait few seconds and then press "reset" or turn off the machine, and sometime "unplug" from the wall (ATX power supply).

Is there any way I can try to trace it so I can give you more info?


On Mon, 19 April 1999, Chris Wedgwood wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 19, 1999 at 08:51:14PM +0200, Andre Couture wrote:
> > It "hang" my system and sometimes just the window from which I'm
> > running the command "sync".
> If you have lots of dirty pages and lots of memory, sync can take
> several seconds and hold up any processes which do IO. This is
> especially noticeable on systems with only a single spindle or a vfs
> made of relatively few physical filesystems, but it also occur at the
> high end as well and will be a problem until be get per device
> queues.
> -cw

Andre Couture
PCDOCS/Fulcrum S.A. - Europe

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