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SubjectMassive memory leak

I'm having a massive memory leak with X under 2.2.5, so that the 'X'
process eats 50MB+ memory and upwards of 75MB of swap. I'm running the updates from Redhat.

Now, I don't know that this is actually a kernel problem, but I am at a
loss as how to start looking for what exactly is causing the leak. I ran
fine under this configuration for about a month, and just recently it
started leaking like mad. All I did notice is that under 'top' it showed
X using memory under the 'lib' entry, which is normally 0.

Any ideas on how to start looking or what to look at?



+ John Fulmer | "UNIX was not designed to stop +
+ Linux, security, | you from doing stupid things, +
+ and paranoia....Ahhh... | because that would also stop you +
+ | from doing clever things." +
+ | --Doug Gwyn +
+ | (I gotta check my sources..) +
+ "The opinions contained may not reflect those of anyone.." +

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