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SubjectRe: 2.2.5 optimizations for web benchmarks?
In article <>,
Alan Cox <> wrote:
>> inode-max
>> bdflush
>> buffermem
>> freepages
>> kswapd
>> pagecache
>> Any other I'm missing ?
>You shouldnt need to touch those either.

Depending on what the benchmark is, some of these _can_ have a quite
noticeable difference.

For example, if the benchmark consists of web-serving 50.000 different
small files, you want to make sure that you can have all of them cached
at the same time. So you probably want to increase inode-max quite

I agree that you should not need to touch any of the values for any REAL
WORLD benchmark. But some of them can certainly be an issue for the
above kind of loads that aren't very realistic.

>Apache does fine with the default CPU affinity. You probably need to tune
>the apache configuration more than anything else. You want the logging and
>swap on a different disk to the pages and to the system preferably. For the
>raid you want striping (obviously) and the raid howto/tools tell you how
>to find the optimal stripe size.

And make sure you log as little as humanly possible. In particular,
older versions of apache did reverse name lookups etc, which just killed

>If you want to answer the question "how fast is linux as a web server"
>consider benchmarking using Zeus ( too.



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