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Subject[OFF-TOPIC] GNU/Linux
> This whole thread was begun by a message of the same kind: someone
> criticized what he thought were my reasons for using the term
> GNU/Linux.

Actually, Richard, it seems to me that this thread was started by you
posting an off-topic message to the kernel mailing list. I can vouch
for a lot of Linux users and developers in saying that we respect you,
what you've done, and what you continue to do for free software; but
at the same time, we fail to see the utility in beating a drum when
everyone is covering their ears because they've already heard it
numerous times and disagreed with it.

I, for one, will continue to use GNU software and inform potential
Linux users about the contribution of the FSF and the GNU project.
But I will continue to call the operating system Linux. Given the
arguments I have heard from both sides and a not insignificant amount
of thinking, I have made up my mind and would appreciate you
respecting my decision and those of numerous others who have also come
to the same conclusion.

Now, let's get back to coding...


Kyle R. Rose "They can try to bind our arms,
Laboratory for Computer Science But they cannot chain our minds
MIT NE43-309, 617-253-5883 or hearts..." Stratovarius Forever Free

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