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Subjectmisconstrued statements and an apology

I want to public apologize for calling Linus a "pinhead"
on the list.

Just two or three years ago, the group here on this list still was of
the size that everyone understood the healthy nicknaming between
fellow hackers on the team.

This is not the case anymore, and I suppose I can't talk in this way
when thousands of people are reading. So once again, I apologize
personally to Linus, and to others here.

For those of you curious, yes, back in the day we did grow a penchant
to refer to each other as "pinhead" in a friendly manner on the list
from time to time. And in fact the joke became so out of control
that to be called a pinhead was like being given Excalibur in the
Linux community. Times have changed... Linux is getting so big that I
almost can't be myself in public anymore.

David S. Miller

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