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Subjectinterrupts and synchronization
Is there any way to use synchroniztion methods (e.g. semaphores) in
interrupts? It seems to me that this is not possible, since you are not
allowed to invoke the scheduler from interrupts.

I have the following problem: In my protocol handler routine
for a network device driver I have to check a condition variable.
If this is not set properly, I have to wait until it changes
before I proceed with the processing of the package.

Now the protol handler get called in net_bh, so I can't use
wait queues or similar stuff, since related routines invoke
the scheduler.

Is there any easy solution to my problem, or is it impossible to
do this way?

Any infos welcome. Please also e-mail them to me :-)

Thanks a lot,


Olaf Meyer | mailto:// | _~o
Computer and Information Science | | _-\_<,
University of Pennsylvania | | (*)/'(*)
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6389, USA | PGP: finger -l

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