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SubjectRe: RH5.2 won't install on Cyrix

-----Original Message-----
From: Denis Voitenko <>
To: <>
Date: Friday, March 05, 1999 9:00 AM
Subject: re: RH5.2 won't install on Cyrix

>Okay, so you folks have brought me to a conclusion that I can not
>install RH5.2 on my system because the CPU gets overheated when
>Linux "hits" it. Besides inventing methods of cooling off the CPU
>there is a way of trying some other distribution of Linux. Well,
>is there a way where I can trick RH to belive that the CPU isn't
>overheated? Some BIOS trick?

agressive power management settings or a CPU cooler program/driver may help
if the problem is overheating, however I doubt that they would actually
solve the problem, at best they would work around it, for a while at least.
If it is overheating you better get a better CPU fan and some heat tranfer
compound. However I don't think that this is an overheating problem.
Overheating CPU's usually don't start to die for a couple to a few minutes
after bootup and even then the actual time of its death would be somewhat
random. It takes time for a CPU to overcook itself. If it were heating
problems serious enougth to be causing immediate crashes then I doubt very
much that any OS would survive on that machine unless it loaded a CPU cooler
driver immediately upon bootup. Before running out and trying to diagnose a
hardware problem, I'd suggest first another distrib. The system on a floppy
that I've heard about lately sounds like a good bet. A slackware boot/root
combo would also be good

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