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SubjectRe: Linux/IA-64 (Merced)
: confusion as to what state Linux for IA-64 (and Merced) is in.
: but as usual in a free software
: project, everybody who can contribute is welcome to do so.

There is one point which perhaps should be made more clear: if you are
under NDA for IA-64 and you want to help with the IA-64 port, then you
should contact David and coordinate with him. Just because you don't work
at the same company doesn't mean you can't talk to each other about this
port. I know of at least 4 companies who are all NDA'd on IA-64 and are
all doing work on it and may or may not be talking to each other. If you
are interested in contacts and have IA-64 NDA, let me know, I can put you
in touch with the people inside the other companies.

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