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Subjectwhich pci sound card does not have dropouts under load
Hopefully the subject does not sound to harsh.

As stated in a previous mail I have problems when
playing wav files with my sb 16 vibra:
I get dropouts when the system is under some load.

I got information about configuration and Alan states that this
card is not really supported (Thanks Creative for not
submitting the specs).

Thanks for the help to the kernel hackers.

So I decide to buy a new sound card.
Someone suggested to get an pci sound card to avoid
configuration problems (Which is exactly the same idea
I had also, but forget to mention in the mail).

I found in Alan's diary that he is working on a driver for
an ESS Maestro sound card. Unfortunate when I ask in a
shop for this card they state that the card is not produced/sold
any more.

So my question is:
Which pci sound card(s) can the experts suggest (because
the specs are released, there exists a good linux sound driver
and they are sold now)?

Some Information about my computer:
Kernel: 2.2.2 compiled without modules (no patches) (SMP)
Distribution: Suse 6.0
Motherborard: Gigabyte 686BXDS
Processors: Two Pentium II 350 Mhz
Scsi - Adapter: Adaptec 7895 (build into the motherboard)
CD-Rom: Plextor 40X UltraSCSI
Sound card: sb 16 vibra

Thanks in advance

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