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Subjectkeyboard lockup on HP laptop w/2.2.X
On at least two different HP Omnibook 800 laptops, we (coworkers
and myself) are experiencing some unusual keyboard lock outs when
running the newer 2.2.X kernels. I seem to have narrowed it down
to something with either the pcmcia utilities or the ps2 mouse

I am running 2.2.4-ac1 and my co-worker is running 2.2.2-ac7

Symptoms: with either the pcmcia modules (version 3.09) in place in
/lib/modules/2.2.4/pcmcia or gpm starting at boot time, once the
systems starts up gpm, the keyboard is locked out. If the suspend
button is pressed to suspend the laptop and the reawakened with the
same button, the keyboard input is restored. If either the pcmcia
modules are moved out of the way or gpm is not started at boot time,
the problem does not occur. Also this happens even if there is no
pcmcia card in the slot.

If I disable gpm at boot time and leave the pcmcia modules in place,
it works fine so as a test I did the following:

cat </dev/psaux

and again the keyboard was locked out. I had to hit suspend and
resume (same button) to get it back.

Also booting with 2.0.36 and pcmcia 3.05 modules, on the same laptop
and OS tree, the problem does not occur.

I will try updating to the 3.09 pcmcia stuff on 2.0.36 to see if that
causes the problem. I have already tried updating to gpm-1.14 prior
to discovering that doing the "cat </dev/psaux" caused the same problem
without gpm in the picture.
Steven A. DuChene Linux Fan!

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too dark to read.
-- Groucho Marx

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