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SubjectBinding Keys.
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My problem seems to be minor but I see linux as completely configurable
so I want to change the.. to:
To pass from X to console I need use Alt-Ctrl-x , I want to change it to some other
key, I digged in it a lot and discovered that xmodmap doesn't with such special keys
and actually if some keycode was assigned, with loadkeys for example, some keysym
X understands it but only if know the keysym, for example:
setting: keycode 79=q will cause in X to print q when pressing 79, but
keycode 79=Console_1 it won't understand because it doesn't know it.

you probably don't this my digging - maybe you has the answer,
and generally WHERE to get some DOCUMENTATION on such non trivial but making
convenience issues - also for example on all the stuff residing in
/etc and /etc/init.d - how to invoke automatically processes on boot,
those thing are very annoying not know, but I didn't found any on the web
and in books "Contents". also some on terminals.

I would appreciate any help,

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