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Subjectnfs problem(s ?)
Hi all,

I have several problems with my linux nfs server :
1 - I use solaris 2.4 & 2.5 stations connected to my linux box via nfs.
First of all, I had to install BSD versions of statd & lockd in order to
make my network working properly. Anyone know a better way to use
lockd/statd with my linux box ? (I cannot compile knfs, sorry, & I'd
prefer to keep nfsd deamons anyway).

2 - Then, sometimes, files are being... mixed up !!! Two files opened by
two different users mix each one into the other, resulting in an
unpredicable state. No kernel ooops, just a log in /var/log/messages : "
nfsd[305]: non-standard errno: 14 (Bad address) ". As we manly use
databases on this data server, I suppose the problem to be caused by
lockd, but I'm not sure of this.

3 - Sometimes, when I create a file with "touch" & try to delete it
immediately with "rm", I have the "is a directory" message. When I retry
a few seconds later, it works perfectly.

4 - I have the same kind of problem when I create a file under solaris &
I do "ls" under linux, the file doesn't appear. I have to do a "cat" in
the file (this works) before it appears in my linux box. Isn't it a
problem caused by bash's buffers ?

My kernel version is 2.2.2, my nfsd is 2.2beta37.


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