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SubjectRe: Can't load Linux on boot
>>Sounds to me like you just need to LILO again.  You said you installed
>>Windows after Linux, which means Windows installed its own bootstrap on
>>MBR most likely. Just boot into Linux and rerun /sbin/lilo (and make sure
>>you have something in your /etc/lilo.conf that'll let you run Windows --
>>otherwise you'll have to reinstall Windows most likely). Reboot and all
>>should be well. If that doesn't work, fdisk /dev/hda and make /dev/hda1
>>bootable (and only that bootable) and try installing LILO on /dev/hda1
>>instead of /dev/hda, although I can't think of any reason why this would
>ah, but before I even installed windows, it told me there was no operating
>system installed - I could only boot up with a LILO disk even then - and as
>for the windows partition being bootable... it isn't! hda1 is the only
>partition, and that's my Linux partition! (I originally had LILO installed
>the Superblock of hda1, rather than the MBR, but when I kept getting no
>operating system messages, I switched it)

Reinstall LILO on the active partition and run FDISK /MBR from win95 to
clean up your MBR. This should allow your system to boot.

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