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SubjectPATCH: Config option for random device


Had a moment, thought I'd post this... I've been working on a small guide to
using the kernel config system (how to add config options, etc) and this was
sort of a patch that I came up with to help me along the route. It is however
useful, especially for those developing embedded systems, and at worst it really
can't hurt. All it does is add a new config option, CONFIG_RANDOM, which allows
one to compile out support for the random devices (/dev/urandom and /dev/random)
and all associated code. The side effect of that is that TCP networking can't be
compiled in, but I think I handle that case as well.

Please take a look at this patch. At the very least, can someone tell me if I
neglected a step along the way that would make this patch incomplete or
incorrect? Even if it doesn't make it into the kernel, at least I'll know what I
forgot so that I can document it.

If you could, kindly cc: any response to me directly. The kernel list is a big
noisy place and I can miss things in the hustle and bustle.

Thanks muchly,

Joe Pranevich

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