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SubjectStuck shift key on one virtual console (2.0.36)
Somehow when I was editing with Emacs this morning, the shift key on
my first virtual console became `stuck'. Now, when I try to use shift
on that console, the keypress is ignored, and certain other keys are
ignored too. For instance, if I change vt to that console, I can't
switch away with Alt+Fn.

All the other vts behave normally.

I'm using a mechanical switchbox for keyboard and monitor switching,
so I switched to another machine and ssh'd in and ran chvt to switch
away. Then I killed the emacs and bash processes running on the rogue
vt, dropping back to the login prompt there. But I can't log in since
I can't type any shifted characters.

Suggestions? Is this something I did wrong or is it a bug somewhere?
I tried loadkeys just in case, but it didn't change the behavior.

Thanks in advance,


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