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SubjectSIIG AP-10 SCSI-2 card -> advansys?
I note in drivers/scsi/advansys.c:

3. This board has been sold by SIIG as the i540 SpeedMaster.
4. This board has been sold by SIIG as the i542 SpeedMaster.
5. This board has been sold by SIIG as the Fast SCSI Pro PCI.

Is the SIIG "Fast SCSI Pro PCI" the same as SIIG's SCSI-2 AP-10 card? I
have a machine at school with one of these cards and a Yamaha 4416s CD-RW
drive which has been behaving VERY poorly under Windows 95 (boo hiss) when
trying to copy from an ATAPI 8x CD drive (buffer underruns galore). Does
the SIIG AP10 card work with the advansys kernel drive? I would like to install
Debian on that box entirely for burning CDs, however I heard on IRC that
there is a kernel bug that locks up the system (or slows it down incredibly?)
when copying from a 10x source CD? Is this true?

Robert Edmonds
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