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SubjectTwo new versions of procps

I've just released two new versions of procps.

The first is 1.2.10, which I hope is the final (or pretty close to
final) release of the 1.2.x series. Just a few minor bug fixes and
a move for libproc to the LGPL (always the intention, forgot to
make a new template when I started it years ago, oops).

The second is 2.0. That's far more interesting. I took Albert
Cahalan's latest snapshot and integrated it into my tree and made
a few changes and fixed a few bugs, but I'm sure that there are
more bugs to fix there, as compared to 1.2.x it is a relatively
untested release. Please hammer on 2.0 and report bugs to so that I can keep track of them, and if
you can send patches with your bug reports, that would be great.
I will not necessarily see your reports if you post them here --
I do scan linux-kernel but can't always read it in great depth...

I've also uploaded to metalab, but I don't know if they will take
two versions at once.


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