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SubjectRe: linux 2.2.x and ncr53c8xx on 4-way PPro MP problem
From said:
> Just my 2 cents, did you enable "probe for multiple luns", don't
> recompile without it, and try again.
> Did have the same problems, and this solved it.

I tried, but to no avail. Thanks anyway. said:
> yep, the LUN thing might be the reason. Another thing, you build some
> SCSI things as modules. Could you compile them into the kernel?
> Otherwise your config should work fine.

I have some more info now.

Linux 2.2.1, with the ncrc8xx compiled in, gives an Oops like so:

Unable to handle paging request at virtual address fffffff0
current->tss.cr3 = 00101000, %cr3 = 00101000
*pde = 00208067
*pte = 00000000
Oops: 0000
CPU: 2
EIP: 0010:[<801e2fe0>] (this is in ncr_53c8xx_pci_init)
EFLAGS: 00010286

Yes, I changed the page mask, 'cause I have 1GB RAM on this machine. I also
tried with the original page mask, but things stay the same.

Linux 2.2.2-ac7 gives roughly the same, with EIP also in ncr_53c8xx_pci_init.

Linux 2.2.3 finds no scsi hosts and panics when it cannot mount the root

I'm re-building 2.2.3 with ncr53c8xx as a module and an initrd at the moment. I
have little hope though.

What do you guys think ? Should I just go buy an Adaptec board ? ;-)


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