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SubjectLinux 2.2.3ac1

Ok I've put up a 2.2.3ac1. For most people this is probably not terribly
exciting which is good, cos it means the Linus tree is working nicely.

It contains

o ARM updates - working to merge ARM with my tree then eventually I
hope with Linus - tho that may be a 2.3 job

o V7 file system tweaks to sys5 1K

o Improved SCSI generic (still the mark 1 edition) - Douglas
has some improvements in the pipeline before it goes to Linus

o The Large file array patch. I still hope to feed this to Linus at
some point

o i386 security hole fix for ptrace. Its in the other architectures
too. It only bites if you use capabilities. The bigger hole in
/proc is fixed in 2.2.3

o AMD K6 MSR/MTRR setup. The MSR is ready to go to Linus now, and
will do so, the MTRR stuff I hope will get merged with Richard
Gooch stuff once its untangled from devfs

o ADFS update. Strictly for Acorn fans

o CDROM updates. Heading Linuswards soon

o Better bw-qcam driver.

o Printing fixes. I assume Tim will send these to Linus himself when
he's finally happy

o 3c509 update - for EISA etc - queued for Linus

o Wavelan update - queued for Linus

o cs89x0 module parameters - queued for Linus

o Sealevel sync driver. Awaiting confirmation it works on the real
board as well as my test rig

o SCSI blacklist and AIC7xxx updates

o Prototype ESS PCI and Yamaha PCI legacy mode drivers. Gus SMP fix

o NTFS doesnt crash when you run out of memory

o /proc/mem crash fixes for threaded abuse programs

o NFS: Im still merging together Linus & Trond's code. Once Trond
has all the nice stuff finally tuned up with Linus this will all
become main tree stuff. Im just making sure it gets tested 8)

o NFSroot argument bug

o Misc include/time wrap bug fixes

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