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SubjectRe: Can't umount after SIGKILL
> On Mon, 22 Feb 1999, Brian Geisel wrote:
> >Greetings,
> > I have found that if I have a process which is running on a mounted
> >filesystem, and I kill -9 that process, the filesystem is unable to be
> >umounted. It thinks the filesystem is still in use. /proc/*/cwd
> >nothing in the directory, and all the processes in there were certainly
> >killed anyway. Is this something that's broken, or should umount allow
> >(whether that's kernel or app I'm also not sure)?
> What kernel?
> I've had that happen in 2.0.36 several times recently with my
> CDROM using SCSI emulation.

I've had it happen on several versions, 2.2.0-pre5 and 2.1.127 (I think).
As someone pointed out earlier, it's not just a matter of kill -9ing
processes on that mount point, I tried that and it worked fine. I haven't
had it happen in a while, but it always happen when I test this one
particular piece of code... I just can't remember what piece it is. When
it happens again I'll post all the details I can. I think it may have even
happened on a 2.0.x now that I think about it.


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