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SubjectRe: Linux Graphics Architecture (format fixed) (Ben Bridgwater) writes:

> What about a simple example where you set write a bit plane mask
> into a graphics register, then write some data to the framebuffer?
> You can't have two programs doing that at the same time!

So use locking. Or ressource allocation. If the user decides to do a
stupid thing which is not possible with the hardware, it's his own

> This could easily occur if an X client were directly manipulating
> the framebuffer at the same time the X server was doing the same, or
> if you switch away from X (with the server still running...) and try
> to play a graphics game on the framebuffer console while your kernel
> compiles!


>Please CC:

This is the same "singing, dancing, we must do everything at the same
time" discussion that we had with the Amiga about 100 years ago
[1]. Look where it led us. [5]

The acceleration engine on a gfx board is a ressource. Some ressources
you can share between processes, then you can use it from more than
one process at a time. Some others you can't so you can either run a
high-speed accelerated game on an fb-console or run a high-speed
accelerated 3d application under X. If your device supports seamless
state-saving and restoring, fine. If it doesn't, you must use
exclusive access. But I'm not interested in slowing down my high-end
state of the stuff board just because there are some twenty years old
graphics boards on no longer used architectures which may _not_
support a feature which my board does. [3]

I'm fscking tired of these "we must build one generic solution to end
all other solutions". Neither X nor anything else is the silver bullet
in every possible scenario. Yes, there _will_ be people who want to
run twenty Quake sessions [2] on twenty virtual consoles at
the same time. Why must we satisfy the needs of _these_ people? We
must satisfy the needs of _most_ people. And they either work _or_
play. No need to build a solution which puts a penalty on those.

Kind regards

[1] those "we can format two floppies at the same time, look, we're
better than crappy Windows" discussion, if anyone around here is old
enough to remember.

[2] or whatever the current famous state of the art 3d
kill-some-monsters shooter is.

[3] Along the road lies DirectX [4]

[4] Or Direct3D. Or ActiveX. Or whatever the current MS marketing
decided to call their game API.

[5] Thank godness.

Dipl.-Inf. (Univ.) Henning P. Schmiedehausen --
TANSTAAFL! Consulting - Unix, Internet, Security

Hutweide 15 Fon.: 09131 / 50654-0 "There ain't no such
D-91054 Buckenhof Fax.: 09131 / 50654-20 thing as a free Linux"

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