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Subject[OOPS] 2.2.1 vfat fat msdos
Here the oops, mounting a floppy with vfat or fat. Mtools worked fine (no

Here the 2 oops:

Options used: -V (specified)
-O (specified)
-k /proc/ksyms (specified)
-l /proc/modules (default)
-M (specified)
-c 1 (default)

DEBUG: level 2
DEBUG: env default KSYMOOPS_NM=/usr/bin/nm
DEBUG: env default KSYMOOPS_FIND=/usr/bin/find
DEBUG: env default KSYMOOPS_OBJDUMP=/usr/bin/objdump
DEBUG: re_compile '^([0-9a-fA-F]{4,}) +([^ ]) +([^ ]+)$' 3 sub
DEBUG: re_compile '^[ ]*\[*<([0-9a-fA-F]{4,})>\]*[ ]*' 1 sub
DEBUG: re_compile '^[ *]*([0-9a-fA-F]{4,})[ ]*' 1 sub expression(s)
DEBUG: read_ksyms /proc/ksyms
DEBUG: re_compile '^([0-9a-fA-F]{4,}) +([^ ]+)([ ]+\[([^ ]+)\])?$'
4 sub expression(s)
DEBUG: re_compile '^(.*)_R[0-9a-fA-F]{8,}$' 1 sub expression(s)
DEBUG: sorting symbols for vfat (na)
DEBUG: ss_compress on table vfat, before 10 after 10
DEBUG: ss_compress on table vfat, before 10 after 10
DEBUG: sorting symbols for fat (na)
DEBUG: ss_compress on table fat, before 37 after 37
DEBUG: ss_compress on table fat, before 37 after 37
DEBUG: sorting symbols for uart401 (na)
DEBUG: ss_compress on table uart401, before 4 after 4
DEBUG: ss_compress on table uart401, before 4 after 4
DEBUG: sorting symbols for ad1848 (na)
DEBUG: ss_compress on table ad1848, before 8 after 8
DEBUG: ss_compress on table ad1848, before 8 after 8
DEBUG: sorting symbols for sound (na)
DEBUG: ss_compress on table sound, before 70 after 70
DEBUG: ss_compress on table sound, before 70 after 70
DEBUG: sorting symbols for soundcore (na)
DEBUG: ss_compress on table soundcore, before 11 after 11
DEBUG: ss_compress on table soundcore, before 11 after 11
DEBUG: sorting symbols for ksyms_base (na)
DEBUG: ss_compress on table ksyms_base, before 580 after 580
DEBUG: ss_compress on table ksyms_base, before 580 after 580
DEBUG: read_ksyms vfat used 10 out of 10 entries
DEBUG: read_ksyms fat used 37 out of 40 entries
DEBUG: read_ksyms uart401 used 4 out of 10 entries
DEBUG: read_ksyms ad1848 used 8 out of 10 entries
DEBUG: read_ksyms sound used 70 out of 72 entries
DEBUG: read_ksyms soundcore used 11 out of 20 entries
DEBUG: read_ksyms ksyms_base used 580 out of 626 entries
DEBUG: read_lsmod /proc/modules
DEBUG: re_compile '^[ ]*([^ ]+)[ ]*([^ ]+)[ ]*([^ ]+)[
]*(.*)$' 4 sub expression(s)
DEBUG: sorting symbols for lsmod (na)
DEBUG: ss_compress on table lsmod, before 7 after 7
DEBUG: ss_compress on table lsmod, before 7 after 7
DEBUG: read_lsmod lsmod used 7 out of 10 entries
DEBUG: merge_maps
Warning in compare_ksyms_lsmod, module mad16 is in lsmod but not in ksyms,
probably no symbols exported
DEBUG: append_map ksyms_base to merged
DEBUG: sorting symbols for merged (atn)
DEBUG: ss_compress on table merged, before 580 after 580
DEBUG: sorting symbols for merged (atn)
DEBUG: ss_compress on table merged, before 580 after 580
DEBUG: re_compile '^(([^ ]{3} [ 0-9][0-9] [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2} [^ ]+
kernel: +)|(<[0-9]+>)|([ ]+))+' 4 sub expression(s)
DEBUG: re_compile '^((Stack: )|(Stack from )|([0-9a-fA-F]{4,})|(Call
Trace: )|(\[*<([0-9a-fA-F]{4,})>\]*[ ]*)|(Version_[0-9]+)|(Trace:
)|(Call backtrace:)|(Process .*stackpage=)|(Call Trace:[ ])|(Code
*:[ ])|(Kernel panic)|(In swapper task)|(Corrupted stack
page)|(invalid operand: )|(Oops: )|(Cpu: +[0-9])|(current->tss)|(\*pde
+=)|(EIP: )|(EFLAGS: )|(eax: )|(esi: )|(ds: )|(pc[:=])|(68060
access)|(Exception at )|(d[04]: )|(Frame format=)|(wb [0-9] stat)|(push
data: )|(baddr=)|(Bad unaligned kernel)|(Forwarding unaligned
exception)|(: unhandled unaligned exception)|(<sc)|(pc *=)|(r[0-9]+
*=)|(gp *=)|(tsk->)|(PSR: )|([goli]0: )|(Instruction DUMP: )|(MSR: )|(TASK
= )|(last math )|(GPR[0-9]+: )|(\$[0-9 ]+:)|(epc )|(Status:)|(Cause
:)|(Backtrace:)|(Function entered at)|(\*pgd =)|(Internal error)|(pc
:)|(sp :)|(r[0-9][0-9 ]:)|(Flags:)|(Control:))' 62 sub expression(s)
DEBUG: re_compile '(Unable to handle
kernel)|(Aiee)|(die_if_kernel)|(\([0-9]\): Oops )|(: memory violation)|(:
Exception at)|(: Arithmetic fault)|(: Instruction fault)|(: arithmetic
trap)|(: unaligned trap)|(\([0-9]+\):
((Whee)|(Oops)|(Kernel)|(Penguin)|(Too many Penguin)|(BOGUS)))|(kernel pc
)|(trap at PC: )|(bad area pc )|(NIP: )|( ra *=))' 23 sub expression(s)
Feb 7 16:12:44 localhost kernel: Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer
dereference at virtual address 00000008
DEBUG: re_compile '^PSR: [0-9a-fA-F]+ PC: ([0-9a-fA-F]{4,})[ ]*' 1 sub
DEBUG: re_compile '((kernel pc )|(trap at PC: )|(bad area pc )|(NIP:
))([0-9a-fA-F]{4,})[ ]*' 6 sub expression(s)
DEBUG: re_compile '^(epc[ ]*:+[ ]*)([0-9a-fA-F]{4,})[ ]*' 2 sub
DEBUG: re_compile '^((EIP:[ ]+.*)|(PC[ ]*=[ ]*)|(pc *:
*))\[*<([0-9a-fA-F]{4,})>\]*[ ]*' 5 sub expression(s)
DEBUG: re_compile '(ra[ ]*=+[ ]*)([0-9a-fA-F]{4,})[ ]*' 2 sub
DEBUG: re_compile '^((Call Trace: )|(Trace: )|(\[*<([0-9a-fA-F]{4,})>\]*[
]*)|(Call backtrace:)|(([0-9a-fA-F]{4,})[ ]*)|(Function entered at
(\[*<([0-9a-fA-F]{4,})>\]*[ ]*)))' 11 sub expression(s)
DEBUG: re_compile '^((Instruction DUMP)|(Code *)):[ ]+((general
protection.*)|(<[0-9]+>)|(([<(]?[0-9a-fA-F]+[>)]?[ ]*)+))(.*)$' 9 sub
Feb 7 16:12:44 localhost kernel: current->tss.cr3 = 02709000, `r3 =
Feb 7 16:12:44 localhost kernel: *pde = 00000000
Feb 7 16:12:44 localhost kernel: Oops: 0000
Feb 7 16:12:44 localhost kernel: CPU: 0
Feb 7 16:12:44 localhost kernel: EIP: 0010:[<c01284b7>]
Feb 7 16:12:44 localhost kernel: EFLAGS: 00010202
Feb 7 16:12:44 localhost kernel: eax: 00000000 ebx: 00000000 ecx:
Feb 7 16:12:44 localhost kernel: esi: 00000000 edi: c0979da0 ebp:
Feb 7 16:12:44 localhost kernel: ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Feb 7 16:12:44 localhost kernel: Process bash (pid: 29461, process nr: 5,
Feb 7 16:12:44 localhost kernel: Stack: c215700b c01286a1 c0979da0
00000000 00000001 c2157000 c2157000 00000000
Feb 7 16:12:44 localhost kernel: bffff39c c2157005 00000006
060a8779 c0128740 c2157000 c0979da0 00000001
Feb 7 16:12:44 localhost kernel: c270a000 bffff3f0 c01267f2
080a2c70 00000001 c270a000 bffff3f0 c01079bc
Feb 7 16:12:44 localhost kernel: Call Trace: [<c01286a1>] [<c0128740>]
[<c01267f2>] [<c01079bc>]
Feb 7 16:12:44 localhost kernel: Code: 8b 56 08 85 d2 74 58 8b 42 74 85
c0 74 51 83 78 2c 00 74 4b
DEBUG: Oops_decode
DEBUG: re_compile '^([<(]?)([0-9a-fA-F]+)[>)]?[ ]*' 2 sub
DEBUG: find_fullpath ./ksymoops
DEBUG: Oops_objdump command '/usr/bin/objdump -dhf /tmp/29684aaa'
DEBUG: Oops_decode -
DEBUG: re_compile '^[ ]*([0-9a-fA-F]+)( <_EIP[^>]*>)?:(.*
+<_EIP\+0?x?([0-9a-fA-F]+)>[ ]*$)?.*' 4 sub expression(s)
DEBUG: Oops_decode - /tmp/29684aaa: file format elf32-i386
DEBUG: Oops_decode - architecture: i386, flags 0x00000112:
DEBUG: Oops_decode - start address 0x00000000
DEBUG: Oops_decode -
DEBUG: Oops_decode - Sections:
DEBUG: Oops_decode - Idx Name Size VMA LMA File
off Algn
DEBUG: Oops_decode - 0 .text 00000040 00000000 00000000
00001000 2**4
DEBUG: Oops_decode - Disassembly of section .text:
DEBUG: Oops_decode -
DEBUG: Oops_decode - 00000000 <_EIP>:
DEBUG: Oops_decode - 0: 8b 56 08 movl 0x8(%esi),%edx
DEBUG: Oops_decode - 3: 85 d2 testl %edx,%edx
DEBUG: Oops_decode - 5: 74 58 je 5f <_EIP+0x5f>
DEBUG: Oops_decode - 7: 8b 42 74 movl 0x74(%edx),%eax
DEBUG: Oops_decode - a: 85 c0 testl %eax,%eax
DEBUG: Oops_decode - c: 74 51 je 5f <_EIP+0x5f>
DEBUG: Oops_decode - e: 83 78 2c 00 cmpl $0x0,0x2c(%eax)
DEBUG: Oops_decode - 12: 74 4b je 5f <_EIP+0x5f>
DEBUG: Oops_decode - ...
DEBUG: Oops_format

>>EIP: c01284b7 <put_write_access+12f/1a0>
Trace: c01286a1 <lookup_dentry+179/1f0>
Trace: c0128740 <__namei+28/58>
Trace: c01267f2 <block_fsync+2a2/54c>
Trace: c01079bc <dump_thread+12b0/239c>
Code: c01284b7 <put_write_access+12f/1a0> 00000000 <_EIP>:
Code: c01284b7 <put_write_access+12f/1a0> 0: 8b 56 08
movl 0x8(%esi),%edx
Code: c01284ba <put_write_access+132/1a0> 3: 85 d2
testl %edx,%edx
Code: c01284bc <put_write_access+134/1a0> 5: 74 58 je
5f <_EIP+0x5f> c0128516 <put_write_access+18e/1a0>
Code: c01284be <put_write_access+136/1a0> 7: 8b 42 74
movl 0x74(%edx),%eax
Code: c01284c1 <put_write_access+139/1a0> a: 85 c0
testl %eax,%eax
Code: c01284c3 <put_write_access+13b/1a0> c: 74 51 je
5f <_EIP+0x5f> c0128516 <put_write_access+18e/1a0>
Code: c01284c5 <put_write_access+13d/1a0> e: 83 78 2c 00
cmpl $0x0,0x2c(%eax)
Code: c01284c9 <put_write_access+141/1a0> 12: 74 4b je
5f <_EIP+0x5f> c0128516 <put_write_access+18e/1a0>

1 warning issued. Results may not be reliable.


Options used: -V (specified)
-O (specified)
-k /proc/ksyms (specified)
-l /proc/modules (default)
-M (specified)
-c 1 (default)

DEBUG: level 2
DEBUG: env default KSYMOOPS_NM=/usr/bin/nm
DEBUG: env default KSYMOOPS_FIND=/usr/bin/find
DEBUG: env default KSYMOOPS_OBJDUMP=/usr/bin/objdump
DEBUG: re_compile '^([0-9a-fA-F]{4,}) +([^ ]) +([^ ]+)$' 3 sub
DEBUG: re_compile '^[ ]*\[*<([0-9a-fA-F]{4,})>\]*[ ]*' 1 sub
DEBUG: re_compile '^[ *]*([0-9a-fA-F]{4,})[ ]*' 1 sub expression(s)
DEBUG: read_ksyms /proc/ksyms
DEBUG: re_compile '^([0-9a-fA-F]{4,}) +([^ ]+)([ ]+\[([^ ]+)\])?$'
4 sub expression(s)
DEBUG: re_compile '^(.*)_R[0-9a-fA-F]{8,}$' 1 sub expression(s)
DEBUG: sorting symbols for msdos (na)
DEBUG: ss_compress on table msdos, before 10 after 10
DEBUG: ss_compress on table msdos, before 10 after 10
DEBUG: sorting symbols for fat (na)
DEBUG: ss_compress on table fat, before 37 after 37
DEBUG: ss_compress on table fat, before 37 after 37
DEBUG: sorting symbols for ksyms_base (na)
DEBUG: ss_compress on table ksyms_base, before 580 after 580
DEBUG: ss_compress on table ksyms_base, before 580 after 580
DEBUG: read_ksyms msdos used 10 out of 10 entries
DEBUG: read_ksyms fat used 37 out of 40 entries
DEBUG: read_ksyms ksyms_base used 580 out of 626 entries
DEBUG: read_lsmod /proc/modules
DEBUG: re_compile '^[ ]*([^ ]+)[ ]*([^ ]+)[ ]*([^ ]+)[
]*(.*)$' 4 sub expression(s)
DEBUG: sorting symbols for lsmod (na)
DEBUG: ss_compress on table lsmod, before 2 after 2
DEBUG: ss_compress on table lsmod, before 2 after 2
DEBUG: read_lsmod lsmod used 2 out of 10 entries
DEBUG: merge_maps
DEBUG: append_map ksyms_base to merged
DEBUG: sorting symbols for merged (atn)
DEBUG: ss_compress on table merged, before 580 after 580
DEBUG: sorting symbols for merged (atn)
DEBUG: ss_compress on table merged, before 580 after 580
DEBUG: re_compile '^(([^ ]{3} [ 0-9][0-9] [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2} [^ ]+
kernel: +)|(<[0-9]+>)|([ ]+))+' 4 sub expression(s)
DEBUG: re_compile '^((Stack: )|(Stack from )|([0-9a-fA-F]{4,})|(Call
Trace: )|(\[*<([0-9a-fA-F]{4,})>\]*[ ]*)|(Version_[0-9]+)|(Trace:
)|(Call backtrace:)|(Process .*stackpage=)|(Call Trace:[ ])|(Code
*:[ ])|(Kernel panic)|(In swapper task)|(Corrupted stack
page)|(invalid operand: )|(Oops: )|(Cpu: +[0-9])|(current->tss)|(\*pde
+=)|(EIP: )|(EFLAGS: )|(eax: )|(esi: )|(ds: )|(pc[:=])|(68060
access)|(Exception at )|(d[04]: )|(Frame format=)|(wb [0-9] stat)|(push
data: )|(baddr=)|(Bad unaligned kernel)|(Forwarding unaligned
exception)|(: unhandled unaligned exception)|(<sc)|(pc *=)|(r[0-9]+
*=)|(gp *=)|(tsk->)|(PSR: )|([goli]0: )|(Instruction DUMP: )|(MSR: )|(TASK
= )|(last math )|(GPR[0-9]+: )|(\$[0-9 ]+:)|(epc )|(Status:)|(Cause
:)|(Backtrace:)|(Function entered at)|(\*pgd =)|(Internal error)|(pc
:)|(sp :)|(r[0-9][0-9 ]:)|(Flags:)|(Control:))' 62 sub expression(s)
DEBUG: re_compile '(Unable to handle
kernel)|(Aiee)|(die_if_kernel)|(\([0-9]\): Oops )|(: memory violation)|(:
Exception at)|(: Arithmetic fault)|(: Instruction fault)|(: arithmetic
trap)|(: unaligned trap)|(\([0-9]+\):
((Whee)|(Oops)|(Kernel)|(Penguin)|(Too many Penguin)|(BOGUS)))|(kernel pc
)|(trap at PC: )|(bad area pc )|(NIP: )|( ra *=))' 23 sub expression(s)
Feb 7 16:12:44 localhost kernel: Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer
dereference at virtual address 00000008
DEBUG: re_compile '^PSR: [0-9a-fA-F]+ PC: ([0-9a-fA-F]{4,})[ ]*' 1 sub
DEBUG: re_compile '((kernel pc )|(trap at PC: )|(bad area pc )|(NIP:
))([0-9a-fA-F]{4,})[ ]*' 6 sub expression(s)
DEBUG: re_compile '^(epc[ ]*:+[ ]*)([0-9a-fA-F]{4,})[ ]*' 2 sub
DEBUG: re_compile '^((EIP:[ ]+.*)|(PC[ ]*=[ ]*)|(pc *:
*))\[*<([0-9a-fA-F]{4,})>\]*[ ]*' 5 sub expression(s)
DEBUG: re_compile '(ra[ ]*=+[ ]*)([0-9a-fA-F]{4,})[ ]*' 2 sub
DEBUG: re_compile '^((Call Trace: )|(Trace: )|(\[*<([0-9a-fA-F]{4,})>\]*[
]*)|(Call backtrace:)|(([0-9a-fA-F]{4,})[ ]*)|(Function entered at
(\[*<([0-9a-fA-F]{4,})>\]*[ ]*)))' 11 sub expression(s)
DEBUG: re_compile '^((Instruction DUMP)|(Code *)):[ ]+((general
protection.*)|(<[0-9]+>)|(([<(]?[0-9a-fA-F]+[>)]?[ ]*)+))(.*)$' 9 sub
Feb 7 16:12:44 localhost kernel: current->tss.cr3 = 02709000, `r3 =
Feb 7 16:12:44 localhost kernel: *pde = 00000000
Feb 7 16:12:44 localhost kernel: Oops: 0000
Feb 7 16:12:44 localhost kernel: CPU: 0
Feb 7 16:12:44 localhost kernel: EIP: 0010:[<c01284b7>]
Feb 7 16:12:44 localhost kernel: EFLAGS: 00010202
Feb 7 16:12:44 localhost kernel: eax: 00000000 ebx: 00000000 ecx:
Feb 7 16:12:44 localhost kernel: esi: 00000000 edi: c0979da0 ebp:
Feb 7 16:12:44 localhost kernel: ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Feb 7 16:12:44 localhost kernel: Process bash (pid: 29461, process nr: 5,
Feb 7 16:12:44 localhost kernel: Stack: c215700b c01286a1 c0979da0
00000000 00000001 c2157000 c2157000 00000000
Feb 7 16:12:44 localhost kernel: bffff39c c2157005 00000006
060a8779 c0128740 c2157000 c0979da0 00000001
Feb 7 16:12:44 localhost kernel: c270a000 bffff3f0 c01267f2
080a2c70 00000001 c270a000 bffff3f0 c01079bc
Feb 7 16:12:44 localhost kernel: Call Trace: [<c01286a1>] [<c0128740>]
[<c01267f2>] [<c01079bc>]
Feb 7 16:12:44 localhost kernel: Code: 8b 56 08 85 d2 74 58 8b 42 74 85
c0 74 51 83 78 2c 00 74 4b
DEBUG: Oops_decode
DEBUG: re_compile '^([<(]?)([0-9a-fA-F]+)[>)]?[ ]*' 2 sub
DEBUG: find_fullpath ./ksymoops
DEBUG: Oops_objdump command '/usr/bin/objdump -dhf /tmp/00366aaa'
DEBUG: Oops_decode -
DEBUG: re_compile '^[ ]*([0-9a-fA-F]+)( <_EIP[^>]*>)?:(.*
+<_EIP\+0?x?([0-9a-fA-F]+)>[ ]*$)?.*' 4 sub expression(s)
DEBUG: Oops_decode - /tmp/00366aaa: file format elf32-i386
DEBUG: Oops_decode - architecture: i386, flags 0x00000112:
DEBUG: Oops_decode - start address 0x00000000
DEBUG: Oops_decode -
DEBUG: Oops_decode - Sections:
DEBUG: Oops_decode - Idx Name Size VMA LMA File
off Algn
DEBUG: Oops_decode - 0 .text 00000040 00000000 00000000
00001000 2**4
DEBUG: Oops_decode - Disassembly of section .text:
DEBUG: Oops_decode -
DEBUG: Oops_decode - 00000000 <_EIP>:
DEBUG: Oops_decode - 0: 8b 56 08 movl 0x8(%esi),%edx
DEBUG: Oops_decode - 3: 85 d2 testl %edx,%edx
DEBUG: Oops_decode - 5: 74 58 je 5f <_EIP+0x5f>
DEBUG: Oops_decode - 7: 8b 42 74 movl 0x74(%edx),%eax
DEBUG: Oops_decode - a: 85 c0 testl %eax,%eax
DEBUG: Oops_decode - c: 74 51 je 5f <_EIP+0x5f>
DEBUG: Oops_decode - e: 83 78 2c 00 cmpl $0x0,0x2c(%eax)
DEBUG: Oops_decode - 12: 74 4b je 5f <_EIP+0x5f>
DEBUG: Oops_decode - ...
DEBUG: Oops_format

>>EIP: c01284b7 <put_write_access+12f/1a0>
Trace: c01286a1 <lookup_dentry+179/1f0>
Trace: c0128740 <__namei+28/58>
Trace: c01267f2 <block_fsync+2a2/54c>
Trace: c01079bc <dump_thread+12b0/239c>
Code: c01284b7 <put_write_access+12f/1a0> 00000000 <_EIP>:
Code: c01284b7 <put_write_access+12f/1a0> 0: 8b 56 08
movl 0x8(%esi),%edx
Code: c01284ba <put_write_access+132/1a0> 3: 85 d2
testl %edx,%edx
Code: c01284bc <put_write_access+134/1a0> 5: 74 58 je
5f <_EIP+0x5f> c0128516 <put_write_access+18e/1a0>
Code: c01284be <put_write_access+136/1a0> 7: 8b 42 74
movl 0x74(%edx),%eax
Code: c01284c1 <put_write_access+139/1a0> a: 85 c0
testl %eax,%eax
Code: c01284c3 <put_write_access+13b/1a0> c: 74 51 je
5f <_EIP+0x5f> c0128516 <put_write_access+18e/1a0>
Code: c01284c5 <put_write_access+13d/1a0> e: 83 78 2c 00
cmpl $0x0,0x2c(%eax)
Code: c01284c9 <put_write_access+141/1a0> 12: 74 4b je
5f <_EIP+0x5f> c0128516 <put_write_access+18e/1a0>


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  Last update: 2005-03-22 13:50    [W:0.025 / U:7.032 seconds]
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