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SubjectLinux-2.2.1 SMP (AMI goliath) aic7xxx - i/o hang
I'm running a dual-proc AMI goliath on linux-2.2.1, with an aha-2940.

After several hours of outstanding operation, all processes which in any
way shape or form touch disk for reading (not writing) are suspended

I awake, basically, to a load average that rises one for one as I start
processes that want data that isn't in page cache.

The in-memory system hangs for a short while after starting each process,
but for the most part functions fine.

Has anyone else seen this?

I'm somewhat at a loss for providing debugging information; it takes
several hours to arise, and when it does starting a kernel debugger
wouldn't exactly work.

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Network Mercenary you'll just have to do it again."
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