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SubjectA but that allows you to build a Linux 2.2.1 kernel that will not boot.

I believe that this bug has existed for some time (say 2.0.36), and is
not new to 2.2.1

For reference, here is the output from ver_linux

[reg@orion]$ sh ver_linux
-- Versions installed: (if some fields are empty or looks
-- unusual then possibly you have very old versions)
Linux 2.2.1 #24 Thu Feb 4 23:13:50 MST 1999 i686 unknown
Kernel modules found
Gnu C
Linux C Library 2.0.7
Dynamic linker ldd (GNU libc) 2.0.7
Linux C++ Library 2.8.0
Procps 1.2.9
Mount 2.8a
Net-tools (1999-01-01)
Kbd 0.96
Sh-utils 1.16


If one sets the "Solaris (x86) partition table support" option from the
partion sub-menue in xconfig (which sets the define
CONFIG_SOLARIS_X86_PARTITION) then one ends up with a kernel that will not
boot without significant fiddling.


For reference, here is how hda is partitioned

hda1 Win98
hda2 FreeBSD
hda3 Solaris
hda4 Extended
hda5 (unused)
hda6 Linux
hda7 Linux swap


During a `normal' boot I see the messages

Partition Check:
hda: hda1 hda2! hda3 hda4 < hda5 hda6 hda7 > < hda8 hda9 hda10 hda11 >
hdc: [PTBL] [778/255/63] hdc3
VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) readonly.

Right off I have two questions:
(a) what does the `!' on hda2 imply?
(b) where do the bogus partitions hda8 - 11 come from?


If I invoke the Solaris options above, then at the same point in the boot
I see

Partition Check:
hda: hda1 hda2! hda3 <Solaris: [s0] hda5 [s1] hda6 [s2] hda7 [s3] hda8
[s4] hda9 [s6] hda10 [s7] hda10 >
hda4 < hda12 hda13 hda14 > < hda15 hda16 hda17 hda18 >
hdc: [PTBL] [778/255/63] hdc3
Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:06

So now it is showing me my SOLARIS (sub)partitions.
So a question
(c) Why does it show my SOLARIS partions and not my FreeBSD partitions?
Yes I have BSD Disklabel support turned on.
(d) note that there are now bogus partitions hda15-18.

So the problem above IS that the kernel gets built expecting to find the
root file system in 03:06 (see the above panic) viz /dev/hda6 but its in fact
in /dev/hda13 under the new numbering plan.

If I CHANGE /etc/lilo.conf to contain `root=/dev/hda13' to override the
incorrect info in the kernel, I get a few lines further in the boot.
If I then ALSO change /etc/fstab to point to /dev/hda13 (rather than
/dev/hda6) and /dev/hda14 (rather than /hda7) for swap, then I can in fact
boot the kernel.

At that point I CAN mount /dev/hda5 and get to my SOLARIS root file system.


I dont think that I should have to build 10-20 kernels playing havsies to
find the offending option, and I surly shouldnt have to play with the
`root=/dev/hda13' stuff to make up for the kernel being built pointing
to the wrong place.

Ditto the changes to /etc/fstab.


Im not sure WHAT the boot is running to give the above listing of partitions,
but running /sbin/fdisk from Linux with the above root/fstab changes still
shows the old partition numbering scheme...


So Im not sure WHAT the fix should be here, but it should be made more
consistant, one cant just point the kernel at the right place (03:13)
since the /etc/fstab also needs to be modified. One (minimally) needs
to LABEL the additional partitions differently so that they will have
a consistant name whether the subpartitions are expanded or not.
This latter solution would seemto be fairly simple.


[ I can supply other informtion, including the .config file in use, but
I dont think its relevant ]

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