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Subjecthelp me please
I have install linux on my machine, but I want to uninstall it..I have a

problem can you help me out please.

* I had made two partitions , one as primary and other as extended
* I have Windows 98 on my primary partition
* I install RedHat Linux software by making use of the space available
in the extended partition.
* During the installation procedure I created two partitions one as
linux native and the other as linux swap partition
* It showed me that I had three partition
hda1->Windows 98
hda5->Linux Native
hda6->Linux swap
* I put the linux boot up procedure in the boot sector
* When I start the machine it asks me to boot from 98 or linux
* I use Linux and it works fine
* But when I use Windows98 it hangs at the 'findfast' program, after I
kill the findfast program it works out fine, but once I start the
Windows Explorer it goes into a total hang.

Now I have two options in life
1) To have both linux and Windows 98, with the problem solved that for
Windows98 of the program going into a hang
2) To remove linux completely and revert back to the original status.

I certainly want the first option, but I can't take care of Windows98. I

guess its a Windows98 bug...I don't mind if I have to use Windows 95 to
get over this problem.
The last option was to uninstall linux. I used the fdisk utility of Dos,

to remove the extended partition, but it said that there were logical
disk drives in it, when I tried to remove the logical disk drives it
said it couldn't find one.
The other thing is that fdisk showed me just two partitions, one was
primary and extended partition, but it didn't show me there was a swap
partition as well.

I think I have frame my problems, please......, can you help me ... mail

me the solution at (

Waiting for your help

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