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SubjectVFAT problem
I have a VFAT (FAT32) filesystem that started behaving strangely once I 
upgraded to 2.2.1. It involves handling of directories, and is a little
hard to explain, but here goes:

Say for example that I am in /mnt/win95/cdda and type cd .. One would
expect that to take me to /mnt/win95, right? Wrong! It takes me to
/mnt sometimes, and sometimes it will do the correct thing. Similar strange
occurences were happening throughout this filesystem. So I decided to go
back to 2.0.36, so I typed cd /etc and then pico lilo.conf. Then it siad
that there was no such file. So I exited pico, and I was back in
/mnt/win95/cdda. These directories are not random, they are all
directories that I have used before. Is there any upgrade or something
that I am overlooking, or is this really a bug? BTW, I went back to
2.0.36, and all is behaving normally.

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