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Subjectbttv.h: #define VBIBUF_SIZE 65536

In older bttvs (<0.5.20) VBIBUF_SIZE has already been 64k. In later
version (including the version in 2.2.0) it was set to 19*2*2k. Now,
in 2.2.1, it is reset to 64k. Is there a deeper reason?

I ask this because it breaks alevt. It checks the frame counter at
the end of the buffer and discards all incomplete pages if the frame
counter is wrong. When using the wrong buffer size, the frame counter
is never right.

IIRC, the correct value, according to the Teletext standards, would
be 19*2*2k.

Please, either revert that part of the 2.2.1 changes or add the
BTTV_VERSION ioctl to vbi_ioctl (I've already sent an appropriate
patch long ago; only 4 or 5 lines) so that I may auto detect the
right buffer size. Even better would be a VBI_BUFSIZE or so ioctl.

Ciao, ET.

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