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Subject[OFFTOPIC] Potential GPL violation of Linux kernel by MOSIX? has a discussion of 
how maybe the project at violates the GPL
license of the kernel. They are distributing a binary-only kernel module
that requires kernel modifications.

From a quote from Howard C. Shaw found on slashdot:
>The Real Question here is what was Linus' ruling? Did he or did he not
>say, as de Icaza maintained, that binary modules with no source available
>could be linked with the kernel ONLY if they required no modifications to
>the kernel?

>Bigger question: they say on their site that the kernel mods
>are to allow other modules to access the binary. Is this necessary
>to use the binary, or an additional resource? If the binary
>can be used without employing the kernel mods then the mods can be
>considered a separate piece of software, as might have been
>written by us to take better advantage of theirs, in which case no
>violation exists in either of the above cases!

>If on the other hand, you cannot use the module without also
>using the kernel mods, AND de Icaza is correct with regard to the
>determination made by Linus on the subject of binary modules,
>then they are in violation of the GPL.

>Thus before we cry foul, let us find out: can this binary
>module be used for its intended purpose without needing these kernel
>mods? If these kernel mods are only a gracious contribution by
>the university to allow the open source community to take better
>advantage of MOSIX, then more power to them, and we should
>silence our criticisms.

>But if they are an integral and required part of running MOSIX
>on Linux, then we MUST act to correct this... but how?

I am interested in what the people on lkml have to say about this;
they should have perspective on this then a random bunch of ./ers.

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