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SubjectFAT panic when renaming directories
I was renaming a bunch of directories on a FAT formatted ZIP disk when I
got this message:
Feb 27 08:14:59 citadel kernel: Filesystem panic (dev 08:04).
Feb 27 08:14:59 citadel kernel: FAT error
Feb 27 08:14:59 citadel kernel: File system has been set read-only
Feb 27 08:14:59 citadel kernel: Directory 2444506: bad FAT
Feb 27 08:15:02 citadel kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Feb 27 08:15:02 citadel kernel: 08:04: rw=0, want=113783, limit=98288
Feb 27 08:15:02 citadel kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Feb 27 08:15:02 citadel kernel: 08:04: rw=0, want=113783, limit=98288
Feb 27 08:15:02 citadel kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Feb 27 08:15:02 citadel kernel: 08:04: rw=0, want=113784, limit=98288

I rebooted to windows and ran scandisk, which was able to salvage the
files in that directory. I then copies the files to my hard drive and
it happened again there.

Feb 27 11:27:22 citadel kernel: Filesystem panic (dev 03:06).
Feb 27 11:27:22 citadel kernel: FAT error
Feb 27 11:27:22 citadel kernel: File system has been set read-only
Feb 27 11:27:22 citadel kernel: Directory 5217249: bad FAT

This is with kernel 2.2.1. Any ideas about what could be happening?
I'm pretty sure that the corruption is in the FAT filesystem because the
ZIP is SCSI and the hd is IDE.


Brian Gerst

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