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SubjectFramebuffer and Chips & Technologies 6550
I've been reading up on all the docs I can find about framebuffer devices and
linux and the concept really interests me.

I've got a Toshiba Portege 620CT with a C&T6550 display adapter which does not
support vesa2.0 bios so I can't use VesaFB. But while I was cruising through
the files in /usr/src/linux I happened upon reading the config files and lo and
behold I discovered that there was support for the C&T6550 for some apple
notebook or something like that.

So here comes the million dollar question: Is there a way to use that driver on
my nice little intel based laptop or is this just me dreaming? Because it seems
to me that since there is some code already made maybe it wouldn't be too
difficult to make it work on intel as well.

I would try it myself, but I haven't got a clue(yet) as to where to start or
how to do it.

Many thanks in advance.

-Lasse Melsæter <>

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