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Subject[Fwd: Strange NFS problem ... Ideas?]
Sent this yesterday.  Not sure if it made it to the list so I am sending
again. This is a fairly big issue as it would be bad if Linux nfsd not
working with other OS' clients is a fairly major problem. Again, this
only seems to affect AIX (4.1 and even an old 3.2) and SunOS 4.1.4 (I
know these are older systems, but we need to keep them around for
porting purposes). Any ideas, hacks, kludges?

I am experiencing a strange problem with a Linux knfsd server and a few
clients (AIX 4.1 and SunOS 4.1.4). I have several other clients on this
network all having no problems. In brief, here is the problem (and it
seems very similar on each).

On SunOS, I cd into the mounted directory and try the following.

sunos> pwd
sh: getwd: can't open ..
sh: getwd: can't open ..
sh: getwd: can't open ..
sh: getwd: can't open ..
sh: getwd: can't open ..
sh: getwd: can't open ..
... (this scrolls on until I break it)

Also, if I try the following from within the mounted directory, I get

sunos> cd ..
..: Permission denied.

Under my AIX system, it is very similar.

aix41> pwd
pwd: The file access permissions do not allow the specified action.

aix41> cd ..
..: Permission denied.

The strange thing is that this exact mount used to work fine under both
of these platforms. Also, I have several other mounts from the same
server that also work fine under these platforms. And, again, also, if
I su to root, I have no problems. All other platforms (Solaris, HPUX,
IRIX, Linux) have no problems with this particular mount. I have been
looking for two days and can see nothing different about this particular
mount. I have double checked mount options, export list, and all
permissions and everything seems in order.

Does anyone have any thoughts as to why this is happening. Also, if
anyone has any suggestions as to more troubleshooting tips, it would be
greatly appreciated.



Gregory Whalin

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