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SubjectSCSI CD-ROM Timeout
I am running kernel 2.0.36 on Red Hat 5.2.
I am using a BusLogic SCSI Adapter with a Plextor 12-20X SCSI CD-ROM.
I have CD-ROM SCSI Support, GENERIC SCSI Support, BusLogic Adaper, all
checked off in the kernel, not modules. If I actually go to mount a
normal CD, it mounts in no time, literally no time.. But when I do an ls,
it takes quite some time, then report in the syslogd:

Feb 23 09:36:19 soia kernel: scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid 62,
scsi0, channel 0, id 3, lun 0 Prevent/Allow Medium Removal 00 00 00 00 00
Feb 23 09:36:19 soia kernel: scsi0: Aborting CCB #77 to Target 3
Feb 23 09:36:19 soia kernel: scsi0: CCB #77 to Target 3 Aborted

After that, which is about say, 15-20 seconds, it does show the files.
But if I try and rip audio from it (I tried cdparanoia and cdda2wav) It
reports the same error, but doesn't do anything.

Now, I used this CD-ROM and SCSI Card in FreeBSD and it worked fine, and I
know it works .. So I don't know, I was thinking maybe I have to change
the SCSI Timeout value? But I have no idea how to do that, I have looked
in the source and don't see anything for that and I have emailed the
person that makes the driver and I have not gotten a response.

This is very important to me, for I just bought this CD-ROM and SCSI card
for a total of $300 and will be very mad if it ends up not working.

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