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SubjectAn idea from a lamer
Dear Hackers!

Excuse me the disturbing. I'm a new Linux-user, i use it only for two weeks.
Correct me, if i don't draft well, i'm not perfect in English.

I'm missing a function from the Linux. (I speak about a single computer,
without network, and about the text mode, certainly.) One time more users
can log in, but they can reach the other's tasks. And if i logged in, and i
want a new shell i have to type my username and password again. I'd like to
switch between my tasks, but if another people sit down to this computer
(and i just suspended my tasks, and didn't logged out), they wouldn't reach
my tasks.

For example: i can change users by Ctrl+Fn keys, and tasks (as now) by
First user is joe, and the second is jack.
Now jack is working, on his first consol.
He press Alt+F2, and he gets a new shell, but he doesn't have to type his
But when he press Ctrl+F1, he can't work until he types joe's password.
And if he press Ctrl+Esc, he gets a list about the users currently logged in
(and on what consol). Whe he press Alt+Esc, he gets a list about all tasks
currently running (and on what consol).

It would be a good function, if more people use one computer by turns (for
example a family).

Thanks for read me:
Csaba Sebastian

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