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NOTE: if something goes wrong and you have my patch applyed, make sure to
bother me and not send bug reports to other kernel hackers. Thanks.

Name: 2.2.2_arca2.gz
Version: 2.2.2_arca2
Kernelver: 2.2.2
Status: unknown
Author: Andrea Arcangeli <>
Description: Andrea Arcangeli's kernel tree
Date: 25-FEB-1999

Differences with `Kernelver':

o FIXED process stuck in D state. It was shrink_dcache_memory()
that was recalling iput() that was recursing on the lowlevel fs

o final semaphore down_interruptible() race fixes. Unlukily 2.2.2
doesn't include my final fix even if it's really close to be

o new shrink_mmap() that works on a perfect lru basis and doesn't need
to waste time browsing the mem_map, and mem_map L1 cache aligned in SMP

(o TCP timestamps ts_recent in tescr of syn-ack) merged in 2.2.2

(o do_tty_hangup() SMP races) merged in 2.2.2

o inode cache can't grow over inode-max if you are have not the
CAP_SYSADMIN capabilities.

(o inode leakage fix (syncing back dirty inode when there's noting
of freeable in the inode-inuse list).) merged in 2.2.2

(o fixed kpiod (PF_MEMALLOC) and improved) merged in 2.2.2

o complete /proc race fixes

o improved tqueue.h (better scale in SMP and removed a cli() in

o My new update_shared_mappings() code. This will greatly improve
performance while handling shared mmaped files from different contexts.

o irq_state array is PII cache aligned (32byte to decrease bus traffic
under intense irq activities in SMP)

o dynamic buffer hash table size (improvement for high memory
machines, and saved memory for low memory machines)

o final fix for the disable/enable_bh I fixed some weeks ago
This patch fix also a possible not critical race in remove_bh(),
btw note the wmb() to take care of SMP ;).

o 2.2.1-1284-15 latest parport code mainly developed by Tim Waugh

o get_wchan() moved in arch specific section and CTRL+SCROLL-LOCK
use get_wchan() to get the PC filed information.

o fixed page bound limits in get_wchan()

o some jiffies wrap update

o reimplemented hopefully completly wrap compliant time
to jiffies/msec (and reverse) functions

o little vmalloc fix + vmalloc SMP thread safety

o bttv doesn't generate 50 irq per sec even if not used

o sure some other thing from me and/or from other people

Andrea Arcangeli

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