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Subjectkmod and initrd question.

So I'm trying to load my scsi modules in initrd with a 2.2.1 kernel.
The question I had is, how do you control the execution of kmod?

More specifically- in reality everything works fine- the system runs
w/o any problems. However, at boot-up, when the initrd is loaded,
and /linuxrc executed, I get the
kmod: failed to exec /sbin/modprobe -s -k scsi_hostadapter, error = 2
error. Now, inside /linuxrc I just insmod the modules needed for my
scsi setup (scsi_mod.o, sd_mod.o, aic7xxx.o) and they all load fine.
The order in which they're insmod'ed is scsi_mod, sd_mod, aic7xxx,
and the aforementioned error always appears between sd_mod and
aic7xxx. I guess kmod wants to load the aic7xxx module, but
/sbin/modprobe is not on the initrd. (hence error=2 I guess.)
I suppose one way to fix it is to put modprobe and libc and the linker
on the initrd and create the appropriate conf.modules, but that
seems rather ugly- I'd rather just get the error.

To remedy this, I've tried various other things and with various levels
of success, but none fix the problem entirely. One thing was to
remove the /proc/sys/kernel/modprobe entry on shutdown and have
linuxrc put it back when done, but it didn't help.

Since everything (seems to) work otherwise, this is not critical,
but any advice would be appreciated--- and yes, I can compile
the scsi stuff into the kernel. :)



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