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SubjectTIPS for building 2.2.2 kernels & problem with running out of processes

Patching up to 2.2.2 from 2.2.1 will break quite a few things in your
.config file. Best way is to reconfigure it from scratch, guys. Then it
will compile just fine. Also, ensure that the patch doesn't piss all over
the include/asm directory (i.e turning it from a symbolic link to arch-asm
into a real asm directory) - if it does, delete it and do a new
menuconfig. It will set up a new symbolic link for asm.

I'm a happy user of 2.2.2, and coupled with my 256MB memory upgrade, it
feels just like my sportscar! As I type, I'm doing a huge bunch of
compiles in the background and load average is just 0.04. =)

Unfortunately, there's a fly in the ointment. I seem to run out of
processes when I do a make -j bzlilo (yes, that's right, without a number
to limit it) - this happens pretty much instantly! Am I correct in
thinking that there's a number of processes limit in Linux? I thought this
was increased with 2.2.x? It doesn't really matter but I'd have been quite
interested in getting the kernel to build with that flag set and seeing
how responsive the machine is at that level. With a make -j of 16 it is
still very responsible.

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