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SubjectRe: AMD K6-2/400 and FIC VA-503+BM with Linux 2.0.36

>I am having similar problems with some K6-2/350 and VA-503+ MB's
>design. Exact same symtoms, and if I move to the next lower
>speed, it works fine. Replaced processors, same problem. So it is
>either a widespread problem with the K6's quality control, or the
>VA-503+'s. Most people blame the memory, but I've tried enough
>different pieces of memory to know better, by this time.

I'd say its more likely to be the motherboards, I've had all kinds of weird
happenings with FIC VA-503+ motherboard. Its to bad they seam to be the
best ones out there, AT-wise at least. I've solved most screwiness by doing
BIOS updates. The best that I can tell is that eariler BIOS's were very
buggy. There is one annoyance about the lastest BIOS though; before it my
Adaptec 1542CF worked very happily on IRQ 9, after updating to the latest
BIOS version the Adaptec started killing both Win98 and Linux with GPF's,
timeouts, etc. This problem was resolved by reconfiguring the 1542CF to IRQ
10. I suspect FIC knew about this new bug as IRQ 9 was moved to the last
position in the PCI allocation order in the same BIOS version that exibits
the IRQ 9 bug. However, once these semi-rare problems with the VA-503+
motherboards have been resolved they have proven excellent performers with
both Cyrix and AMD chips (mostly MII-PR300's and K6-2 300-350's here).

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