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SubjectBug: NFS and MSDOS filesystem
I've encountered what seems to be a bug in the interaction between NFS
and the MSDOS filesystem. The symptom is that when I access an MSDOS
filesystem over my ethernet via NFS (both systems are running Linux),
the files are corrupted: certain sequences of bytes are copied twice. I
also verified that executing wc on the same file both natively and over
NFS yields different results. I don't have similar problems with ext2fs

The problem showed up when I attempted to use the Emacs mailreader on a
mail file stored in a remote MSDOS filesystem and I discovered that many
messages, including their headers, were corrupted. The corruption does
not show up if I use the Emacs mailreader on the system where the mail
files are actually stored.

Some more details about my environment.

System A (`russula') is running the 2.0.32 kernel, with the environment
based on the Slackware distribution. System B (`pleurotus') is running
the 2.0.32 kernel, with the environment based on the SuSE 5.3
distribution. The MSDOS filesystem (dos_e) is mounted on russula. Thus
pleurotus is running the client and russula is running the server. I
don't have the problem if I reverse the relationship, making pleurotus
the server and russula the client. I have tried mounting dos_e both
with and without CR/LF translation; I get the corruption either way
(though I normally run with translation on).

Paul Abrahams

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