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I'm working on a network device driver which has a global data (very
complex dynamic data structure actually) which is accessed for read
and write from dev->hard_start_xmit and dev->do_ioctl and a third
function, let's say foo(), which is not called directly but frequently
queued as task on tq_immediate. Should the global data be protected by
sema/spinlock or something?

The ioctl can not interrupt other functions, that's clear. I hope that
hard_start_xmit can not either. But what about the queued task foo?
Queued tasks are called by the scheduler which can be called by timer
interrupt. Does this mean that a queued task acts like an interrupt
service because it can be called in the middle of dev->do_ioctl for

BTW is that true that dev->hard_start_xmit call is always initiated
by a user program (send/write call). Or is there any case when it is
called by the kernel itself (for example from a queued task)?


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