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SubjectRe: knfsd : some questions
From said:
> My worry is that, when rebooting, knfsd keeps the current
> estimated state of the remote mountages in its files
> /var/lib/nfs/xtab (and rmtab). When running kexportfs -a,
> the command blocks for a very long time, depending on how
> many entries there were in theses files (typically more
> than 110 entries in xtab, 60 in rmtab). Starting from
> fresh (empty files) is almost instantaneous.

But starting from empty files will cause the clients which were already
connected when the server was rebooted to fail with "stale NFS file handle"s.

Unfortunately, you have to do this at the moment.

However, the main reason for this seems to be that the kernel can only handle
export entries for a single host, and if you export to a subnet, then kmountd
has to add explicit entries for each host when it first tries to mount the
filesystem. A possible fix might be to teach the kernel-side code about
wildcard exports, which would fix both problems. said:
> We need NFS performance for mail delivery (via procmail), so
> for me the only reasonnable option is to use a 2.2.x kernel.

s/performance/locking/ surely?

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David Woodhouse Office: (+44) 1223 810302
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