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SubjectRe: [OFFTOPIC] Re: What is the --MARK-- ?
While I belive that you would rm -rf all of the man || info || doc files
on a subject here is some food for thought before you RECOMMEND it to
other users.

When a daemon or process writes to syslogd the result is something
similar to this:
Jan 7 13:18:18 ServerX login[6766]: ROOT LOGIN on `ttyp2' from
Jan 7 13:22:29 ServerX named[304]: Cleaned cache of 0 RRs
Jan 7 13:22:29 ServerX named[304]: USAGE 1073503349 1073460149
CPU=0u/0.01s $
Jan 7 13:22:29 ServerX named[304]: NSTATS 1073503349 1073460149 A=4

NOTE the named[304] and login[6766] because this is REALLY important.

Now when syslogd writes its --MARK-- to the messages file it looks
something like this:
Jan 7 12:45:28 ServerX -- MARK --
Jan 7 13:05:29 ServerX -- MARK --

OK, now use your keen detective skills, because I know what an
itellectual individual that you are, and point out where in the above two
lines that it clearly states that this is the result of the syslogd. Be
carefull and look REAL REAL close, point made huh?

I am not into jumping into peoples shit, but `really` I have maybe only
so much time in life and I cannot go reading through every minuscule of
documentation regarding software that may || may not have changed? Now
if I knew every damn thing, then subscribing to these groups could most
certainly be considered futile, no? I apologize again for being
OFFTOPIC. However, I needed a place to start. I will try very hard not
to let it happen again.

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