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I tried to access the main page for e2compr at It 
rejected me saying that the host could not be contacted.
I then tried to traceroute it and it sucesssfully traced something that
appeared to have the same IP address. Are they gone?

Another thought I am having trouble with the hage lag between the
patches that are being created for the kernels. As last I checked the
newest patch is for 2.2.0pre5 (which I am currently using). Is there any
way that this could be moved into the standard kernel.
I mean having hardware support for networking with smoke signals is all
fine and good or support for some bizare hardware that 6 people use in
the middle of the Pacific Ocean on an island is fine but what about
efficiency and acutally being able to use such features?
Will the patch work on kernels that are newer and not break anything? If
so I will try it out!

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